5 Self Care Tips for 2021

5 Self Care Tips for 2021

Self care is so important right now. And while lockdown has become the “new normal,” this new normal is full of new stresses and existing strains and everything in-between.

I’ve been fortunate this lockdown to really allow myself some time-out. So while my productivity has plummeted, my general well-being is doing ok!

If you’re struggling with your own wellbeing right now, try practising some of these self care habits that have worked for me.

Tip 1: Schedule self care time into your day

A few weeks ago I had a tonne of marking to do for my lecturing job and in order to stay sane I created a pretty awesome schedule that gave myself hour long breaks between 2 hour stretches of marking.

This was honestly the most productive AND the most chilled out I have been – both while marking, and while in lockdown. It was a real game changer!

7-9 - Work
9-10 - Break
10-12 - Work
12-2 - Break and Lunch
2-4 - Work
4-5 - Break
5-7 - Work

While my working day was an extended 12 hours, I actually spent more time doing stuff for myself than I had done all lockdown when I tended to sit anxiously scrolling through Facebook or Insta, feeling guilty that I should be doing something more productive, but not quite finding the motivation to do it. You know those periods where you tell yourself it’s ok to take a break, but can’t quite stop thinking about all the things you probably should be doing, and end up in this restless funk.

So, in the breaks that I had scheduled I did a variety of activities that were just for me, including: reading, undertaking a new course, taking a long shower (we don’t have a bath unfortunately, otherwise I’d have done this!), going for a walk, applying a face-mask, watching Friends!… the possibilities are endless, and it really doesn’t matter what you choose (even an hour of social media is ok), as long as you choose to prioritise you in that time. My self care activities truly felt guilt free when it was sandwiched into my day like that.

Tip 2: Get some exercise

I think exercise has been a bit of a life-saver for me across the three lockdowns. It’s the only thing I’ve done that has consistently made me feel better, and helped me sleep better too!

I’ve done a variety of things, some I’ve enjoyed more than others, so try out a few different things and see what works for you.

Walking has been a constant – I have surprised myself at how much I enjoy getting outside in the fresh air, even when its only 2 degrees or absolutely chucking it down! Admittedly a good jacket and warm layers are essential, but really that’s it. Otherwise it’s free and so good for you!

Running has been a bit on and off for me. I love that it’s also free, and that there are some amazing apps, like the Couch to 5K app, that help you progress at a sustainable pace, but I still need an accountability buddy to actually get up and do it! We phone each other at a set time, have a 5 minute walking warm-up, hang-up and go for our respective runs and then catch up afterwards, out of breath and somewhat proud of ourselves for actually doing it!

Personal training – I got myself an online PT because I realised I needed that accountability if I wanted to reach my fitness goals, and it’s been great! I have loved the goal setting – and smashing of those goals! The 121 focus (though this also means there is nowhere to hide when your knackered – you can’t hide at the back!), and the improvement to my own mental wellbeing. It takes a lot of determination to keep going when your muscles are failing and lungs are exploding and I’ve learned that if I can keep doing the next burpee, and the next, then maybe I can do anything!

I’ve also taken a few online exercise classes – I’ve been both an instructor and a participant, and as a participant, I’ve been surprised at how easy it is. No driving to a venue, no needing to advance plan, just switch on and clear a space. As the instructor, I have to admit I miss the banter, but I encourage my members to keep their mics on and we always have a chat at the start and end of a class.

Plus I’ve really gotten into my own personal Animal Flow practice, which I think has enhanced my taught classes. I just love the endless combinations and flows – the quick changes of direction, and the slow full body stretches. I find it such a playful practice that everytime I do it, there’s something new to discover!

If you want to find out more about my Animal Flow class, I’ve got a blog about the benefits of Animal Flow here and an FAQs post here, and I’m currently taking bookings for my February taster class next week here.

Tip 3: Do something creative

Bake a cake, create some art, have a dance in your kitchen, write a poem, build some lego, do some knitting, and play a musical instrument!

Do it because you enjoy it, not because you’re good at it.

I have started a wall drawing in my living room. It did take me a little while to pluck up the courage to make the first mark, but I picked something that I knew would look awesome, even if I’m a terrible artist! 🙈 I’m pretty pleased with the progress so far, and I really love taking time out of my day to draw another line.

My wall drawing inspired by Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing #797

Tip 4: Connect with people

Spending your day on Zoom is not the same as taking time to connect with someone. Everything seems so much more condensed on Zoom.

I prefer old school phoning someone up and having a chat.

One thing that has evolved is my use of headphones. I quite like plugging in and then going for a walk, or just having more freedom to stroll through the house hands-free and ticking off small chores while having a chat.

I now try to connect with one person a day. And by ‘connect’ I mean actually taking time to ask them how they are with an expectation of finding out more than just, ‘yeah ok.’

Tip 5: Be kind to yourself

You will never tick off everything on your to do list. You will never be the perfect, partner, parent, sibling, child. You are human, and these are pretty extraordinary times.

I heard a great tip yesterday for reflecting on those moments when you do that thing that your trying to give up (smoking, negative self-talk, biting your nails, shouting) or don’t do that thing that you’re trying to adopt (exercise, self care, eating healthily, practising gratitude). Try to reflect on these three things:

  • Duration
  • Frequency
  • Intensity

You might be surprised that it didn’t last as long as you thought, or it doesn’t happen as frequently as you fear, or maybe the urge was just not as intense.

This definitely helped me the other day. I completely lost it when I tore a hole in a new dress after helping my partner carry something outside. I actually locked him out the house, after slamming the door behind me!

On reflection I realised that it really didn’t last that long, I unlocked the door after his first knock, and aside for some tears over the dress, it didn’t evolve into an argument. I also realised that I don’t generally indulge in this kind of over-reaction very frequently, I think it was November that I last lost it like that. However, it was pretty intense! Nevermind, reflecting on it gave me that space to relieve some of the guilt and to actually apologise.

As I start to prepare for my post-lockdown re-emergence, I am hopeful to carry my new self-care habits forwards – I have this image of a world of well-adjusted humans who, having survived a year of turmoil, can now do anything they set their minds to!

So, whether you are treading water, or at your wits end, be kind to yourself and remember to make time for some self care practices, whether that be cake baking or exercising; going for a walk, or taking a long bath.

And if you wanted to join me next week for a fun and playful hour class, do sign up for my free taster classes here.