Category: Chronic Pain

Low Back Pain

Non Specific Low Back Pain (NSLBP) is probably one of the most unhelpful terms. It does not mean that there is no cause or that it’s all in your head. It simply means that no specific cause can be identified and therefore some of the more sinister causes have been ruled out. However, it is…
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What is myofascial release?

As a student of Jing, I am a ‘dedicated follower of fascia.’ But what is fascia and why would you want it released?

Head and neck pain

Top tips for head and neck pain

How many times have you woken up with a stiff neck, or noticed that tension in your jaw grow to become a full on tension headache? Head and neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints.

Living Longer and Stronger

Live Longer and Stronger

Physical activity is one of the best primary preventers of disease and ill-health, i.e. it prevents desease or injury before it has a chance to occur. A good example could be the use of vaccinations to protect against a disease or virus.

Sleep strategies for back pain

Sleep Strategies for Back Pain

How many nights have you spent tossing and turning with back pain, trying every position possible to get comfortable and getting up the next morning feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed?

Clinical Massage for Chronic Pain

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ve probably at some point been told that you’re supposed to stay as active as possible. However the thought probably makes you cringe, especially when sometimes, just getting through the day at home or work is hard enough.