Category: Stress

How to deal with grumpiness.

It’s inevitable, we’ve all been stuck in the same four walls with the same few people with little respite for months. Somebody is going to get grumpy. And of course the worst thing about grumpiness is that often there is no discernable reason, there’s just irritability, and a general bad mood. In this article I’ll…
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5 Self Care Tips for 2021

Self care is so important right now. And while lockdown has become the “new normal,” this new normal is full of new stresses and existing strains and everything in-between. I’ve been fortunate this lockdown to really allow myself some time-out. So while my productivity has plummeted, my general well-being is doing ok! If you’re struggling…
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Give yourself a break

It has taken me about 3 weeks to write this blog post on stress. There have been multiple iterations, but none finished, none quite right… and the irony of course is that I have simply been too stressed to write it. I first tried to tell you about useful methods for preventing stress – but…
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