
Low Back Pain

Non Specific Low Back Pain (NSLBP) is probably one of the most unhelpful terms. It does not mean that there is no cause or that it’s all in your head. It simply means that no specific cause can be identified and therefore some of the more sinister causes have been ruled out. However, it is…
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What is myofascial release?

As a student of Jing, I am a ‘dedicated follower of fascia.’ But what is fascia and why would you want it released?

Menopause and Musculoskeletal Pain

October is World Menopause Awareness Month with October 18th marked as Menopause Awareness Day! However, I feel like 2021 must be Menopause Awareness Year because I have never before seen so much content on the topic, from podcasts and blogs to national campaigns with Davina McCall. I could of course just be getting to that…
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How to deal with grumpiness.

It’s inevitable, we’ve all been stuck in the same four walls with the same few people with little respite for months. Somebody is going to get grumpy. And of course the worst thing about grumpiness is that often there is no discernable reason, there’s just irritability, and a general bad mood. In this article I’ll…
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5 Self Care Tips for 2021

Self care is so important right now. And while lockdown has become the “new normal,” this new normal is full of new stresses and existing strains and everything in-between. I’ve been fortunate this lockdown to really allow myself some time-out. So while my productivity has plummeted, my general well-being is doing ok! If you’re struggling…
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5 ways to mobilise your spine

Mobility is your ability to actively move your joints through a full range of motion with ease and control. It’s part of a complex of physical attributes including flexibility, stability and strength. Each related but different. For example, flexibility often has an impact on your mobility but it is not the same thing. Flexibility is…
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Give yourself a break

It has taken me about 3 weeks to write this blog post on stress. There have been multiple iterations, but none finished, none quite right… and the irony of course is that I have simply been too stressed to write it. I first tried to tell you about useful methods for preventing stress – but…
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My 5 commandments to future proof your body

We all know our bodies change as we get older. And you’ve probably seen parents, aunts, and other older adults get weak and stiff and lose the ability to do the things they love. But the truth is, while your body will change, that doesn’t need to make you less capable. Here are 5 most…
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Animal Flow FAQs

WHAT IS ANIMAL FLOW? If you were to see Animal Flow visually for the first time, it may look like yoga meets breakdancing, with contemporary dance (or gymnastics) thrown in. The practice uses ground-based, quadrupedal movement (movement on your hands and feet) to create a fun and challenging workout that takes you through a range…
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Top 5 benefits of Animal Flow

An interesting new movement practice, Animal Flow, has been designed to integrate a range of fitness programs and resistance training models to provide you with increased mobility, flexibility, stability, power, endurance, coordination and (most importantly) fun! But you’re probably wondering: what is it!? So before we get into the benefits lets unpick this new movement…
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